Kamis, April 14, 2011


1. This new service will be available to all users _______ up for paid membership.
A. that signed
B. that signed it
C. which signed
D. sign
2. That is a story of hardship _______ our own situation into perspective.
A. puts
B. it puts
C. that it puts
D. that puts
3. John Smith, _______ of economic crimes, tax evasion and fraud, is being accused of attempted murder now.
A. of that he was accused
B. that was accused
C. whom he was accused
D. who was accused
4. The process uses an innovative digital technology __________ the products with as many colors as the image contains.
(A) imprints
(B) that imprints it
(C) that imprints
(D) that it imprints
5. The police were greatly outnumbered by rioters, _______ ran into the hundreds.
A. whose figures
B. those figures
C. that its figures
D. its figures that
Adverb Clauses
1. __________ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with the teacher.
(A) Despite of
(B) In spite of
(C) Even though
(D) Nonetheless
2. _______ air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent oxygen, is a little known fact on the streets.
A. How that
B. That
C. When
D. However
3. _______ he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.
A. Although
B. Despite
C. In spite of
D. Nevertheless
4. _______ the variable drops by a unit of 1, the rank drops by X amount.
A. Why
B. Whenever
C. How
D. What
5. This method is widely used _______ algorithm is not only effective but also very simple.
A. because its
B. because
C. it is because
D. because of its
Main Subject
1. It is said he was a man, _________ to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a lion.
(A) who appeared
(B) he appeared
(C) that appears
(D) and appears
2. Before Johnson & Smith reached great heights in the business world, ______ encountered many great difficulties in promoting their theories and methods.
A. they
B. who
C. which
D. and
3. After the discovery of the abandoned getaway vehicle, ________ believed to be hiding in the nearby Riverside forest region.
A. that the bank robber is
B. the bank robber who
C. the bank robber is
D. the bank robber who is
4. A gifted scientist, Newton _______ some of the most fundamental laws in the history of science.
A. keeps discovering
B. who discovered
C. the discoverer of
D. discovered
5. George Washington once said that  _______ have virtue enough to withstand the highest bidder.
A. few men
B. the few men
C. few are the men
D. the men are few

Jumat, April 01, 2011

Passive Voice

Passive Voice

Kalimat aktif merupakan kalimat yang subjek kalimatnya adalah pelaku sebuah tindakan, sedangkan kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang subjeknya bukan pelaku suatu tindakan. Si subjek adalah si penerima akibat dari sebuah tindakan.
Bandingkan kalimat-kalimat berikut:
Aktif : Susi mengetik surat ini kemarin
Pasif : Surat ini diketik oleh Susi kemarin
Aktif : Kucingku membunuh seekor tikus
Pasif : Seekor tikus dibunuh oleh kucingku
  1. Gunakan bentuk pasif jika pelaku tindakan tidak begitu penting.
    • Menara ini dibangun tahun 1955
  1. Kalau kita perlu menyebut siapa pelaku suatu tindakan, gunakan kata oleh (by)
    • Menara ini telah dibangun oleh Pemerintah Daerah pada tahun 1955
Rumus umum untuk membentuk suatu kalimat Pasif
Aktif : S + Verb (Kata Kerja) + Objek + dll
Pasif : Objek + to be + Verb 3 (Kata Kerja Bentuk III) ( + by subjek) + dll
To be yang digunakan
  1. Present : is, am, are
  2. Past : was, were
  3. Perfect : been (di depan have, has, atau had)
  4. Future : be (setelah modals)
  5. Continuous : being (di depan salah satu dari 7 to be di atas)
Hal-hal yang perlu diketahui dan diingat
  1. Untuk menyatakan suatu kalimat dalam bentuk pasif, tenses tidak berubah. Tenses harus sama dengan kalau kita menyatakannya dalam bentuk aktif. Yang berubah hanya kata kerja-nya.
  2. Kata kerja yang tidak memiliki objek (Kata Kerja Intransitif) tidak dapat diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, seperti, menangis, mendidih, terbit, dll.
Contoh-contoh kalimat aktif dan pasif
  1. Jack sings a song (active)
  2. A song is sung by Jack (Passive)
  1. Jack sang a song yesterday (active)
  2. A song was sung by Jack yesterday (passive)
  1. Jack has sung a song (active)
  2. A song has been sung by Jack (passive)
  1. Jack will sing a song (active)
  2. A song will be sung by Jack (passive)
  1. Jack is singing a song (active)
  2. A song is being sung by Jack (passive)
  1. Jack can sing a song (active)
  2. A song can be sung by Jack (passive)
Beberapa Bentuk Kalimat Passive
1) Passive Imperative Sentence
Let + objek + be + Kata Kerja Bentuk III
  • Help the poor (active)
  • Let the poor be helped (passive)
2) Passive Infinitive: It is/was time
It is/was time for + objek + to be + kata kerja III
  • It is time to send the letter (active)
  • It is time for the letter to be sent (passive)
3) Negative Passive Imperative Sentence
Subjek + be + Kata kerja III + not to + infinitive
(kata kerja III yang sering digunakan adalah: advised, asked, begged, commanded, requested)
  • Don’t wait for me (active)
  • You are advised not to wait for me (passive)
4) Passive Sentence with Verbs of Perception
Subjek + be + adjectives + when + subjek + be + kata kerja III
(kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: taste, smell, feel)
  • This food tastes delicious (active)
  • This food is delicious when it is tasted (passive)
5) Passive Sentence with Certain Verbs followed by “that-clause”
Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: accept, admit, agree, assume, believe, decide, expect, find out, intend, plan, point out, presume, prove, regret, report, say, think, understand.
  • We regretted that the principal had to resign from office (active)
  • It was regretted that the principal had to resign from office (passive)
6) Passive Sentence with Nouns or Adjectives as Complements
  • I consider her very pretty (active)
  • She is considered very pretty (passive)
7) Passive Sentence with two objects
  • He gave me a book (active)
  • A book was given to me by him (passive 1)
  • I was given a book by him (passive 2)
8) Passive Sentence with Gerund Verbs
  • The teacher enjoyed teaching the students (active)
  • The students enjoyed being taught by the teacher (passive)
9) Agent consisting long expression at the end of sentence
Dalam kalimat pasif, jika pelaku terdiri dari ekspresi yang panjang, sebaiknya subjek tersebut ditempatkan di akhir kalimat setelah by.
  • We were all surprised by her sudden announcement to get married
  • I was confused by his plan to stop the ongoing project and begin a new one.
10) Passive Sentence with unique verbs
Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah: require, deserve, need
  • This wall needs to be painted (sama dengan)
  • This wall needs painting.

Conditional Sentences

Conditional Sentences

Conditional (Kalimat Pengandaian) menjelaskan bahwa sebuah kegiatan bertentangan dengan kegiatan yang lain. Conditional yang paling umum adalah Real Conditonal dan Unreal Conditonal, kadang-kadang disebut juga if-clauses.
Real Conditional (sering juga disebut juga dengan Conditional Tipe I) yang menggambarkan tentang mengandai-andai sesuai dengan fakta.
Unreal Conditional (sering juga disebut sebagai Conditional Tipe II) yang menggambarkan tentang pengandaian yang tidak nyata atau berimajinasi.
Ada juga Conditional yang ke-3 yang sering disebut dengan Conditional Tipe III, digunakan sebagai penyesalan yang terjadi di masa lampau dan zero conditional, digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu yang sudah pasti benar.
Catatan: Jika  klausa "if" diletakkan di awal kalimat, kita harus menggunakan �koma�. Sebaliknya jika klausa "if" berada di belakang, maka tidak perlu ada koma

Zero Conditional

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum. Tense yang digunakan biasanya Present Simple Tense


(Klausa IF)
(Induk Kalimat)
If you heat water to 100�C,
it boils.
(Induk Kalimat)
(Klausa IF)
Water boils
if you heat it to 100�C,
  • If you drop an apple, it falls. = An apple falls, if you drop it.
  • If you don't do your homework, I will be disappointed. = I will be disappointed, if you don't do your homework.
Catatan: Pada tipe ini, �if� sering digantikan dengan "when"

Conditional I

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan pengandaian yang dibuat berdasarkan fakta di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang dan pengandaian ini bisa saja terjadi. Klausa �if� biasanya dalam bentuk Present Simple Tense.


(Klausa IF)
(Induk Kalimat)
If I see you tomorrow,
I will buy you a drink.
(Induk Kalimat)
(Klausa IF)
I will buy you a drink
if I see you tomorrow.
Kita sering menggunakan unless yang artinya 'jika... tidak.


(Klausa IF)
(Induk Kalimat)
Unless you hand in your homework,
I won't mark it.
If you don't hand in your homework,
I won't mark it.
(Induk Kalimat)
(Klausa IF)
I won't mark your homework
unless you hand it in.
I won't mark your homework
if you don't hand it in.
Catatan: Kita tidak pernah menggunakan will, atau won't dalam Klausa IF.
  • If I have time today, I will phone my friend. = I will phone my friend, if I have time today.
  • If I go to England, I will buy some Cheddar cheese. = I will buy some Cheddar cheese, if I go to England.

Conditional Tipe II

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang tidak nyata di masa sekarang atau masa yang akan datang. Tipe ini digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah harapan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam klausa IF adalah Past Simple Tense.


(Klausa IF)
(Induk Kalimat)
If I won the lottery,
I would buy a new house.
(Induk Kalimat)
(Klausa IF)
I would buy a new house
if I won the lottery.
Catatan: Jangan gunakan would atau wouldn't dalam Klausa IF.
         If I were you, I wouldn't do that. = I wouldn't do that, if I were you.
         If I had more time, I would do more on my websites. = I would do more on my websites, if I had more time.

Conditional Tipe III

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan sebuah kondisi di masa yang lampau yang tidak mungkin akan terjadi lagi. Sering digunakan untuk mengkritik atau penyesalan. Tenses yang digunakan dalam Klausa IF adalah Past Perfect Tense.


(Klausa IF)
(Induk Kalimat)
If I had worked harder,
I would have passed my exam.
If I had worked harder,
I could have passed my exam.
If I had worked harder,
I should have passed my exam.
(Induk Kalimat)
(Klausa IF)
I would have passed my exam
if I had worked harder.
I could have passed my exam
if I had worked harder.
I should have passed my exam
if I had worked harder.
Catatan: Jangan gunakan would have atau wouldn't have, dll dalam Klausa IF.
  • If I hadn't helped you, you would have failed. = You would have failed, if I hadn't helped you.
  • If it had been sunny, we could have gone out. = We could have gone out, if it had been.