Senin, Juni 16, 2014

Failure is not the End of Everything

            Who are the people in this world who want to fail? Surely everyone in this world wants success. However, everyone in the world has experienced a failure. Success and failure are like two sides of a coin that can not be separated. Even success often begins with a failure.
            Do not despair if you fail. Be thankful if you have failed. Because of the failure to forge you into a stronger person than before. Failure also will forge you to become a more patient person and more appreciative of the meaning of a process. Nothing is instant, all the needed process. The process of achieving a success that is implied by that failure will make you more patient.
            If you vent your frustration because you fail, it is a natural thing. But it is not fair is if you take it exceeds the acceptable limit. For example, to commit suicide or will never again try something that has made you fail.
            If you think that the cry of sadness and anger you because you have failed to be reduced, then cry. If you want to take it with a lot of eating, so many are eating. However, do not take it outside the bounds of reasonableness.
            There is a saying that "failure is a delayed success". For many people, this maxim may be used as encouragement for him. I was one of the many people who made it as a maxim of encouragement to achieve what I want.
            For me failure is not necessarily valuable experience that everyone can get. Of failure, we can know what is missing from us. Failure can be used as an effective medium of self evaluation. Do not take the negative side of the failure, but take the positive side of failure. Make failure as morale boosters and strength to achieve success.
            Never blame others for failures that we experience. However, you should make it a failure as a learning media for you. If you fail, then it implies that you will be finding out the cause of the failure you are experiencing and trying to avoid the same mistakes and try even harder. Therefore, the failure can be regarded as a learning medium or medium of effective self-evaluation.
            Do not lament the protracted failure that you have experienced. What does it mean protracted lament the failure to pick up without doing any success that has delayed it. Is the protracted lament the failure to create success comes by itself? Certainly not. Instead you will be away from success because it does not seek to achieve and rise from the failure.
            There are people who are just a tried and succeeded. But there are people who get repeatedly failed to achieve what he wants. Do not make you a failure as a barrier to your success. Do not sunk too long. Failure is only delayed success. Failure is not the end of everything. Now just how you react to it. Are you just going to remain silent lament your failure or even rise from adversity and failure to pick your success. All depends on the choice of living alone

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