Senin, Juni 16, 2014

The use of the BlackBerry as Business Cupcake Media Marketing

                Entrepreneur is someone who is free and has the ability to live independently in operation or business. He is free to design, specify, manage, and control all his efforts. While entrepreneurship is an attitude, spirit, and ability to create something new that is very valuable and useful to themselves and others.
A person who has an entrepreneurial spirit and attitude are always not satisfied with what he had accomplished. From time to time, day after day, week after week is always looking for opportunities to improve their business. He always create and innovate unceasingly as the creative and Innovate all opportunities can be obtained. Skilled entrepreneurs are people who take advantage of opportunities in developing a business with a view to improving their lives.
            There are various ways in which the entrepreneurs to run their business wheel. One way is pretty much done by the entrepreneurs are using technology as a tool for doing business. In this case, the role of technology is huge. Technology is relied upon in marketing any product it sells. Such entrepreneurial type named as Technopreneurship.
            Technopreneurship is an entrepreneur who utilize technology as a tool to perform or create opportunities, particularly in the use of information technology. Types of entrepreneurship in the context of technopreneurship is no longer exclusively for the development of technology as a business but more likely to use technology as a medium for business support.
            There are many things that can be done by utilizing a technological sophistication, including using it to do business online. Market share is so widely marked by numerous users of technology in the community is a great business opportunity that should not be wasted.
            In Indonesia itself has a lot of sophistication technopreneur that utilize technology to achieve great business opportunity. In this case, the use of technology in question is the use of the internet to market their products or commonly referred to as online commerce (e-Commerce), or use the software. Most of tTechnopreneur in Indonesia using mobile technology as supporting media business.
            Mobile is not just an advanced technology, but also practical because it can be taken anywhere. With the sophistication and practicality that many businesses are using mobile phones as a medium for supporting the business. In addition, mobile phone users in Indonesia are also a lot of businesses that expand their market share. One of the phone is very well known and widely used by BlackBerry technopreneur is.
            Mobile is commonly referred to as the BlackBerry smartphone is famous because it has many advanced applications. Flagship applications such as Facebook, Twitter and BlackBerry distinguishing features with other mobile phone is often called the BlackBerry Messenger (BlackBerry Messenger). BlackBerry Messenger feature is often used by businesses to market their products BlackBerry users in Indonesia too numerous, ranging from young children to the elderly even. The number of BlackBerry users in Indonesia are used by the Technopreneur  to market their products.

Failure is not the End of Everything

            Who are the people in this world who want to fail? Surely everyone in this world wants success. However, everyone in the world has experienced a failure. Success and failure are like two sides of a coin that can not be separated. Even success often begins with a failure.
            Do not despair if you fail. Be thankful if you have failed. Because of the failure to forge you into a stronger person than before. Failure also will forge you to become a more patient person and more appreciative of the meaning of a process. Nothing is instant, all the needed process. The process of achieving a success that is implied by that failure will make you more patient.
            If you vent your frustration because you fail, it is a natural thing. But it is not fair is if you take it exceeds the acceptable limit. For example, to commit suicide or will never again try something that has made you fail.
            If you think that the cry of sadness and anger you because you have failed to be reduced, then cry. If you want to take it with a lot of eating, so many are eating. However, do not take it outside the bounds of reasonableness.
            There is a saying that "failure is a delayed success". For many people, this maxim may be used as encouragement for him. I was one of the many people who made it as a maxim of encouragement to achieve what I want.
            For me failure is not necessarily valuable experience that everyone can get. Of failure, we can know what is missing from us. Failure can be used as an effective medium of self evaluation. Do not take the negative side of the failure, but take the positive side of failure. Make failure as morale boosters and strength to achieve success.
            Never blame others for failures that we experience. However, you should make it a failure as a learning media for you. If you fail, then it implies that you will be finding out the cause of the failure you are experiencing and trying to avoid the same mistakes and try even harder. Therefore, the failure can be regarded as a learning medium or medium of effective self-evaluation.
            Do not lament the protracted failure that you have experienced. What does it mean protracted lament the failure to pick up without doing any success that has delayed it. Is the protracted lament the failure to create success comes by itself? Certainly not. Instead you will be away from success because it does not seek to achieve and rise from the failure.
            There are people who are just a tried and succeeded. But there are people who get repeatedly failed to achieve what he wants. Do not make you a failure as a barrier to your success. Do not sunk too long. Failure is only delayed success. Failure is not the end of everything. Now just how you react to it. Are you just going to remain silent lament your failure or even rise from adversity and failure to pick your success. All depends on the choice of living alone

Fix the Economic Law in Indonesia

        As you well know, that Indonesia is a country of law. Various laws can be found in Indonesia. Including economic law it self. Before talking more about how to fix the economic law in Indonesia, it helps us to know in advance what it was briefly legal in the Indonesian economy, how it was implemented in Indonesia, whether economic activities are carried out in Indonesia are in accordance with the applicable law in the Indonesian economy.
        After that, then we can discuss how to fix the economy in the Indonesia law if we have know what conditions are like in Indonesia. Economic law is a causal association or linkage of economic events that are interconnected to one another in everyday economic life in society. Economic laws are made with the aim to control economic activity within the economic development that does not ignore the rights - the rights and interests of the community.
As we know that the law contains commands and prohibitions. It contains rules about what is allowed and what is prohibited and sanctions if there is a violation. Laws are made by the body and the authorities are coercive and binding. Laws are made not to be broken, but to be obeyed so that the condition for the better and there are no violations. If there is a violation of a particular law, of the consequences for violators are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with applicable law.
Supreme law governing the economy in Indonesia contained in Article 33 UUD 1945, which reads:

1. Economy is structured as a joint venture based on the principle of kinship
2. Branches of production that are important to dominate the life of the State and shall be controlled by the State.
3. Earth and water and natural resources contained therein controlled by the State and used for the prosperity of the people
4. The national economy is organized based on economic democracy with the principles of togetherness, efficiency, justice, sustainability, environmental friendliness, independence, and balancing economic progress and national unity.
5. Further provisions on the implementation of this Article shall be regulated by law.
When observed, the condition of the economics of law in Indonesia has not fully enforced. Economic conditions in Indonesian law is very alarming. There are still many violations here and there as opposed to the rule of law prevailing in the economy in Indonesia. The enormous differences that exist in Indonesian law. But not all people know about the law, especially the economic laws like my post this time Many people who do not care about the law in the Indonesian economy. They tend to be indifferent to the law.  Most people do not want to bother about what is happening in Indonesia.
Economy in a country can run well, of course, supported by favorable economic conditions of the law anyway. In Indonesia, economic laws can be said to have been composed with structured. Just how the law was followed or not by the people as economic actors. However, the fact that economic laws are not fully adhered to.
There is still much that must be addressed if we look at the facts of the application of law in the Indonesian economy. Not an easy thing to fix the economy in Indonesian law. Need participation not only of governments but also of society as economic actors. Not as easy as turning the palm of the hand untu fix the economic law in Indonesia that is still filled with distortions here and there. Need process and the participation of various parties.
To fix the economy in Indonesian law, the small steps that we can do is to start with yourself first. A small thing that we can do from ourselves is to get used to not play bribery or play back in various matters related to government or private institutions specified. If many of us are getting used to this, of course the problem of bribery in Indonesia will decrease slowly but surely.
Governments also need to be more assertive in dealing with deviations that occur on the economic law in Indonesia. There should be strict sanctions against violators. There must be no bribery case if there was a deviation from the laws of economics because it is obviously detrimental to other parties.
Society should also be concerned with the economic conditions in Indonesian law. Do not necessarily indifferent simply because it is also for his kindness as well. Economic activities that take place in Indonesia do not let anyone ignore the rights and interests of the community. That is why the law should be enforced in Indonesia economy to eradicate deviations that occurred.
In addition, the law fix the economy in Indonesia can also be done through the improvement of law enforcement officers and judicial institutions in Indonesia. Law enforcement officials should be more professional and assertive. Do not let just want to be bribed. Enforce justice. Judicial institutions must be independent, free and impartial. Principles of justice and law are independent and impartial should always be enforced.
With the participation of all parties in a legal fix the economy in Indonesia, the Indonesian economy is expected to run into a better direction than before. With the corrections, law Indonesian economy is expected to function as it should. The economic law that can control economic activities within the economic development that does not ignore the rights - the rights and interests of the community

Senin, Juni 09, 2014


         Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) adalah lembaga keuangan bank yang menerima simpanan hanya dalam bentuk deposito berjangka, tabungan, dan/atau bentuk lainnya yang dipersamakan dan menyalurkan dana sebagai usaha BPR. Dengan lokasi yang pada umumnya dekat dengan tempat masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Status BPR diberikan kepada Bank Desa, Lumbung Desa, Bank Pasar, Bank Pegawai, Lumbung Pitih Nagari (LPN), Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD), Badan Kredit Desa (BKD), Badan Kredit Kecamatan (BKK), Kredit Usaha Rakyat Kecil (KURK), Lembaga Perkreditan Kecamatan (LPK), Bank Karya Produksi Desa (BKPD), dan/atau lembaga-lembaga lainnya yang dipersamakan berdasarkan UU Perbankan Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 dengan memenuhi persyaratan tatacara yang ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah. Ketentuan tersebut diberlakukan karena mengingat bahwa lembaga-lembaga tersebut telah berkembang dari lingkungan masyarakat Indonesia, serta masih diperlukan oleh masyarakat, maka keberadaan lembaga dimaksud diakui. Oleh karena itu, UU Perbankan Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 memberikan kejelasan status lembaga-lembaga dimaksud. Untuk menjamin kesatuan dan keseragaman dalam pembinaan dan pengawasan, maka persy-ratan dan tatacara pemberian status lembaga-lembaga dimaksud ditetapkan dengan Peraturan Pemerintah.

Usaha-Usaha Bank Perkreditan Rakyat
Usaha BPR meliputi usaha untuk menghimpun dan menyalurkan dana dengan tujuan mendapatkan keuntungan. Keuntungan BPR diperoleh dari spread effect dan pendapatan bunga. Adapun usaha-usaha BPR adalah :
·         Menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk simpanan berupa deposito berjangka, tabungan, dan/atau bentuk lainnya yang dipersamakan dengan itu.

·         Memberikan kredit.
·         Menyediakan pembiayaan bagi nasabah berdasarkan prinsip bagi hasil sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah.
·         Menempatkan dananya dalam bentuk Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI), deposito berjangka, sertifikat deposito, dan/atau tabungan pada bank lain. SBI adalah sertifikat yang ditawarkan Bank Indonesia kepada BPR apabila BPR mengalami over liquidity atau kelebihan likuiditas.

Usaha Yang Tidak Boleh Dilakukan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat
Ada beberapa jenis usaha seperti yang dilakukan bank umum tetapi tidak boleh dilakukan BPR. Usaha yang tidak boleh dilakukan BPR adalah :
·         Menerima simpanan berupa giro.
·         Melakukan kegiatan usaha dalam valuta asing.
·         Melakukan penyertaan modal dengan prinsip prudent banking dan concern terhadap layanan kebutuhan masyarakat menengah ke bawah.
·         Melakukan usaha perasuransian.
·         Melakukan usaha lain di luar kegiatan usaha sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam usaha BPR.

Alokasi Kredit Bank Perkreditan Rakyat
Dalam mengalokasikan kredit, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan oleh BPR, yaitu:
·         Dalam memberikan kredit, BPR wajib mempunyai keyakinan atas kemampuan dan kesanggupan debitur untuk melunasi utangnya sesuai dengan perjanjian.
·         Dalam memberikan kredit, BPR wajib memenuhi ketentuan Bank Indonesia mengenai batas maksimum pemberian kredit, pemberian jaminan, atau hal lain yang serupa, yang dapat dilakukan oleh BPR kepada peminjam atau sekelompok peminjam yang terkait, termasuk kepada perusahaan-perusahaan dalam kelompok yang sama dengan BPR tersebut. Batas maksimum tersebut adalah tidak melebihi 30% dari modal yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan Bank Indonesia.
·         Dalam memberikan kredit, BPR wajib memenuhi ketentuan Bank Indonesia mengenai batas maksimum pemberian kredit, pemberian jaminan, atau hal lain yang serupa, yang dapat dilakukan oleh BPR kepada pemegang saham (dan keluarga) yang memiliki 10% atau lebih dari modal disetor, anggota dewan komisaris (dan keluarga), anggota direksi (dan keluarga), pejabat BPR lainnya, serta perusahaan-perusahaan yang di dalamnya terdapat kepentingan pihak pemegang saham (dan keluarga) yang memiliki 10% atau lebih dari modal disetor, anggota dewan komisaris (dan keluarga), anggota direksi (dan keluarga), pejabat BPR lainnya. Batas maksimum tersebut tidak melebihi 10% dari modal yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan Bank Indonesia.

Pembinaan Dan Pengawasan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat
Pembinaan dan Pengawasan tugas Bank Perkreditan Rakyat adalah sebagai berikut:
Pengawasan Bank Indonesia terhadap BPR meliputi :
1.  pemberian bantuan dan layanan perbankan kepada lapisan masyarakat yang rendah yang tidak terjangkau bantuan dan layanan bank umum, yaitu dengan memberikan pinjaman kepada pedagang/pengusaha kecil di desa dan di pasar agar tidak terjerat rentenir dan menghimpun dana mayarakat.
2.  membantu pemerintah dalam ikut mendidik masyarakat guna memahami pola nasional dengan adanya akselerasi pembangunan.
3.   penciptaan pemerataan kesempatan berusaha bagi masyarakat.

Dalam melakukan pengawasan akan terjadi beberapa kesalahan, yaitu :
1.   organisasi dan sistem manajemen, termasuk di dalamnya perencanaan yang dite-tapkan.
2.   kekurangan tenaga trampil dan profesional.
3.   mengalami kesulitan likuiditas.
4.   belum melaksanakan fungsi BPR sebagaimana mestinya (sesuai UU).

Pengaturan Dan Pembagian Tugas Bank Perkreditan Rakyat
Pengaturan dan Pembagian tugas Bank Perkreditan Rakyat adalah sebagai berikut:
1. BPR yang terdapat di daerah pedesaan sebagai pengganti Bank Desa, kedu­dukannya ditingkatkan ke kecamatan dan diadakan penggabungan Bank Desa yang ada dan kegiatannya diarahkan kepada layanan kebutuhan kredit kecil untuk pengusaha, pengrajin, pedagang kecil, atau kepada mereka yang tinggal dan berusaha di desa tersebut tetapi tidak atau belum menjadi anggota KUD dan menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dalam bentuk deposito berjangka, tabungan, dan/atau bentuk lainnya yang dipersamakan dengan itu.
2.   KUD bekerja sebagai lembaga perkreditan kecil di desa yang memberikan pinjaman kepada petani, peternak, dan nelayan yang menjadi anggotanya. Dana untuk pemberian kredit berasal dari dana yang dihimpun dari anggota KUD dan kredit yang disalurkan oleh BRI dan BI.
3.   BPR yang terdapat di daerah perkotaan adalah Bank Pasar, Bank Pegawai, atau bank yang sejenis yang melayani kebutuhan kredit pengusaha dan pedagang kecil di pasar dan di kampung. Sumber pembiayaan kredit ini adalah berasal dari dana masyarakat yang dihimpun dalam bentuk deposito berjangka, tabungan, dan/atau bentuk lainnya yang dipersamakan dengan itu.
4. BRI melayani langsung kredit yang relative besar atau kredit yang dipinjamkan kepada pengusaha menengah di pedesaan atau diperkotaan.